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Industry 4.0

Industry Revolution 4.0 was changed how companies manufactures,infrastructure and technology were improved and distributed on their product. Industry 3.0 was came with electronics, IT, system and automation, and now Industry 4.0 have more advantage level of the automation smart machines and smart factories, informed data helps to produces goods more efficient, effective and productively.

Industry plays a vital role in the economy as it produces highly mechanized and automated material product. Therefore, the improvement is needed to improved an efficiency and quality for finished good. High-tech product are produce by the industry to realize the scale effect in value chain and personalization and meet heterogeneous customer demands. Technology takes place to make all human tasks become more easier and faster to achieve better efficiency. The idea behind this Industri 4.0 is rapid change to technology, industries, societal patterns and processes to increase interconnectivity and smart-automation.

Industrial Revolution fourth (4.0) is start in 2000-2005 have been released all over the world on this decade. Industry 4.0 was officially announce in 2011 at Hannover Messe where Bosch described the widespread integration of information and communication technology in industrial production. Along with the development of the internet network, connecting existing devices has become very easy with data transfer speeds that are also very fast, even now data transfer speeds are achieved with nano second per kB.


There are new technology that became based of industry 4.0, Which is :

  1. Internet of Things (IoT),

Is a key component of smart factories. Machines on the factory floor are equipped with sensor that feature an IP address that allows the machines to connect with other web-enable devices. This mechanization and connectivity make it possible for large amounts of valueable data to be collected, analyzed and exchanged.

  1. Cloud Computing and Analytics,

is a base of any industry 4.0 strategy, full realization of smart manufacturing demands connectivity and integration of engineering, supply chain, production, sales and distribution, and services. In addition, the typically large amount of data being stored and analyzed can be processed more efficiently and cost-effectively with cloud.

  1. Artificial Intellegence and Machine Learnings,

Allow manufacturing companies to take full advantage of the volume of information generated not just on the factory floor, but across their business units, even from partner and third-party sources.

  1. Edge Computing,

The demands of real-time production operations. The minimizes latency time from when data is produced to when a response is required. For instance, the detection of a safety or quality issue may require near-real time action with the equipment.

  1. Cybersecurity,

Is part of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. Cybersecurity may also be reffered to as information technology security.

  1. Digital Twin

Is a virtual representation that serves as the real-time digital counterpart of physical object or process.


            This digital technologies lead to increased automation, predictive maintenance, self optimization of process improvements and, above all , a new level of efficiencies and responsiveness to customers not previously possible.

            Developing smart factories provides an incredible opportunity for the manufacturing industry to enter fourth industrial revolution. Analyzing the large amounts of big data collected from sensors on the factory floor ensures realtime visibility of manufacturing assets and can provide tools for performing predictive maintenance in order to minimize equipment downtime.

            Using high-tech IoT devices in smart factories leads to higher productivity and improved quality. Replacing manual inspection business models with AI-powered visual insights reduce manufacturing errors and saves money and time. With minimal investment, quality control personel can set up a smartphone connected to the cloud to monitor manufacturing processes from virtually anywhere. By applying machine learning algorithms, manufacturers can detect errors immediately, rather than at later stages when repair and maintainance works is more expensive.


            Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies can be applied across all types of industrial companies, including discrete and process manufacturing, as well as oil and gas, mining and other industrial segments.